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Military Order of the Devil Dogs

 North Carolina Pack Grand Growl

Greensboro, NC 7 June 2024


PRESIDING OFFICER: (Gives one rap of gavel to bring growl to order) Police Dog, you will satisfy yourself that all dogs present, are qualified to remain for the deliberation of this body.

NOTE: At all levels of the Kennel, an official growl necessitates the presence of the American Flag and three other items; The Holy Bible, the Charter, and the Bone signifying the Presiding Officer’s authority. In accordance with Article XI, Section 1107, these articles are considered “sacred”, and Article II, Section 216(C), Article III, Section 316(D) as well as Article IV, Section 407 (D) require the presence of these three “sacred” articles.

NOTE: In all references to “saluting”; this action is defined as the right arm raised parallel to the shoulder, with the forearm bent at the elbow, forming a 90-degree angle and with the paw clenched in a “human-like” fist, except that the right-hand salute shall be given during honors to the colors.

POLICE DOG: (Saluting) I have inspected the qualifications of the members assembled and find that all are qualified to remain. (Exceptions must be reported).

PRESIDING OFFICER: Watch Dog, I now declare this Growl secure, and you will permit no one access to the Growl until after the completion of the opening ceremony. Police Dog, you will now advance the colors and lead the body in the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. (The Presiding Officer gives two raps of the gavel to bring the growl to its feet, and the Dogs present that are covered, salute, others stand at attention).

PRESIDING OFFICER: The Dog Trainer will lead us in prayer.

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NOTE: Before leading the assemblage in prayer, the Dog Trainer will open the Holy Bible to a scripture selected by that Officer. At the conclusion of the prayer, the Dog Trainer will close the Holy Bible, which will remain closed until the Dog Trainer is called upon for ceremonies (Rite of Obligation, Rite of Installation, Memorial Service, Closing Ceremony, etc.) in which he/she takes the leading role. It is inappropriate to collect fines over an open Bible; and none may be collected or assessed while the Holy Bible is open.

Dog Trainer advances and takes post in front of Altar and gives opening prayer:

DOG TRAINER: “Let us pray. Almighty God, Supreme Being over us all, we ask Thy Blessing upon this Growl. We ask Thy divine guidance during our deliberations and keep us ever steadfast in the purposes and principles upon which the Marine Corps League and the Military Order of the Devil Dogs are founded. We ask Thy Blessings upon those Marines who have died in the service of our Country, and are now recorded on that Heavenly Roster, upon which all of us will in time be enrolled. Grant, Heavenly Father, that the League and Order may grow and prosper in the purposes and principles upon which they are founded. Amen.”

PRESIDING OFFICER: I now declare this Growl of Military Order of the Devil Dogs, open for the Transaction of all business which may properly come before it. Watch Dog, you are now free to admit latecomers to this Growl (gives one rap of gavel to seat members).

(Note – Dog Trainer – Charter shall be draped for all of our fallen Dogs since our last Grand Growl)

This Pack Growl is dedicated to all of our Pack Dogs that have gone to be with our Supreme Commandant since our last Pack Growl”

1900 – Opening ceremony

  • Welcome barking’s by Worthy Pack Leader Keith Shearin.

o Greetings/Remarks

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Role call of Officers by the Dog Robber PDD Ray Randall

(All Officers will stand & bark their name, degree and other Dog info)

  • Worthy Pack Leader, PDD Keith Shearin 
  • Sr. Vice Pack Leader, PDD William Dunn
  • Jr. Vice Pack Leader, PDD Robert Klenotiz
  • Smart Dog, PDD Stephen Tracy
  • Dog Trainer, PDD Lisa Ciesielski
  • Mad Dog, PDD James Crandall
  • Police Dog, PDD Laura Hamilton
  • Watch Dog, PDD Denver Grant 
  • Barking Dog/Web Scratcher/Facebook, PDD Michael Maddox
  • Dog Robber, PDD Ray Randall
  • Deputy Dog Robber, PDD Denver Grant 
  • Archive Dog, PDD Greg Ciesielski
  • Worthy Past Jr. Pack Leader, PDD Greg Ciesielski
  • Pack Vet, PDD Marilyn Bower
  • Deputy Mad Dog, DD A.J. Pitts

Recognition of Dignitaries and important Dogs (By PDD Keith Shearin)

  • Honorable 60th Chief Devil Dog, PDD Alan Sanning (if present)
  • Honorable 59th Chief Devil Dog, PDD Tom Hazlett (if present)
  • Honorable 56th Chief Devil Dog, PDD Leanna Dietrich (if present)
  • Honorable Senior Vice Chief Devil Dog and Chairman of the Kennel Finance Committee, PDD Jeffrey Jones 
  • Honorable Mad Dog / Kennel Auction Dog, PDD Charles Minton (excused)
  • Honorable Dog Trainer, PDD Lisa Ciesielski
  • Mideast Division Vice Commandant, PDD Rick Thomason 
  • Deputy Kennel Barking Dog/Facebook Dog, PDD Tom Bates (excused)
  • Deputy Kennel Mad Dog, PDD Keith Shearin
  • Honorable Kennel Lucky Dog, PDD Reggie Sawyer
  • MCL Commandant DoSC, PDD Helen Breen

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  • Are there any other Kennel Officers present that have not been recognized?
  • Ask all the other Past Pack Leaders to stand and be recognized at this time.
  • 2018 Kennel Dog of the Year, PDD Rick Thomason.
  • Ask other prior Kennel DOY recipients to stand and be recognized at this time.
  • 2022 North Carolina Pack Dog of the Year, PDD Lisa Ciesielski
  • 2020 North Carolina Pack Dog of the Year, PDD Jeremy Barton (excused)
  • Ask any other prior Pack DOY recipients to stand and be recognized at this time.
  • Any others that we need to recognize at this time?
  • DoNC Commandant, PDD Ric Ledford
  • Jr Vice MedEast, PDD Ric Ledford
  • Ask the Dignitaries if they would like to address the Pack.

Dismissing of the Mongrels and PUPS

Pack Leader. Mad Dog, please take these Mongrels and PUPS out and prepare them for the advancement. The Police Dog will summon you when the body is ready for them to return.

Roll Call of the Pounds (PDD Ray Randall)

(“When your pound is called, the highest-ranking Officer will stand up, report and sound with the number of Dogs present with you”)

  1. Robert V. Flowers Pound #143                               11 Dogs
  • Jessie O. Price Pound #210                                         18 Dogs
  • Sandhills Area Pound #306                                          4 Dogs
  • Blue Ridge Detachment Pound #319                         4 Dogs

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  • North Central NC Pound #327                                       4 Dogs
  • CWO-3 Edward J. Albus Pound #370                            4 Dogs

Total:                                                                                       45 Dogs

Reading of the Scratchings from the last Pack Growl

(By Worthy Pack Dog Robber PDD Ray Randall)

            WSVPL Keith Shearin asked for a motion from the floor to accept the scratching as presented, as the scratching was sent out to all the Pounds and Officers, a second? All in favor of accepting the scratching as written, say “Woof Woof!”, all opposed, say “Grrr!”. [Bang the bone]. “The scratching has been accepted as presented!”

Dog Robbers Financial Report (PDD Ray Randall)

  • Financial Report was given by the Dog Robber, PDD Ray Randall and passed pending audit.

Dog Trainer PDD Lisa Ciesielski to discuss sick or in distress.

  • Any Dogs currently sick or in distress at this time we should know about? Please keep the following in your prayers; PDD John Dilday, PDD Percy Sudsbury, Betty Cronklin.
  • Abbreviated memorial service was held for 

DD Mary Anderson Pound #143

PUP Richard Arthur Pound #210

DD Walter Brawl Pound #210

PDD Todd Carpenter Pound #319

PDD Ronald Ambrose Pound #370

PUP Robert Shannon Pound #370

Report of the NC Pack Officers

Pack Leader –  PDD Keith Shearin

  • Visited different Pounds during their Spring Growls.

Sr. Vice Pack Leader –  PDD William Dunn: No Report.

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Jr. Vice Pack Leader –  PDD Robert Klenotiz

  • No report

Smart Dog –  PDD Steve Tracy

  • No report at this time.

Dog Robber – PDD Ray Randall

  •  Send your ROI’s in after your installation. I will forward a copy to Kennel.
  • 990N’s. Please send me a copy, that you filed for Pack records. Again, I will send Kennel a copy, so they won’t bother you.
  • I’m processing Transmittals every week when I get them. Kennel is sending me the cards and I’m mailing them out to the Pound’s Dog Robber. I still haven’t received anything from a couple of Pounds.
  • I need the paperwork NO LATER than the Grand Growl, to get it in to Kennel on time. Right now we have two DD’s going from our Pack.
  • All our paperwork has been changed and updated. Go on the web site to get. All forms are fillable and can be printed .

Archive Dog – PDD Greg Ciesielski

  • No Report at this time.

Any other Officers have a report to give at, this time?

Old Business

  • None.

Advancement of Mongrels to the Degree of PUPS WPL PDD Keith Sherain

  • Have the Mad Dog escort the Mongrels in.

Presiding Officer: “Dogs of the Oder, we are about to enter upon the obligation of candidates for the Degree of PUP, In the Order. During the administration of the Oath of Obligation and the instruction of the candidates in the purposes of the Order, you will refrain from smoking, maintain a quiet and respectful decorum and do nothing which will detract the attention of candidates from the 

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seriousness and solemnity of the Oath of Obligation and the instructions, under penalty of a fine, or a sentence by the Chair. I now declare this Pack, ready for the obligation of candidates for the Degree of PUP in the order.”

Dog Robber: “Presiding Officer, I find the following named candidates awaiting obligation into the Military Oder of the Devil Dogs. (Dog Robber reads the names of candidates and their Detachments affiliations. Dog Robber then salutes, and on his way to his post, hands a copy of his list to the Mad Dog).

Presiding Officer: Sir/Worthy Mad Dog, you will escort the candidates to a position in front of the Altar.

Mad Dog: “Presiding Officer, I present to you, and the members of the North Carolina Pack, the following Marine Corps Leaguers who desire obligations into the Degree of PUP, in the Order.” (Mad Dog reads off the names, steps back of line of candidates).

Presiding Officer: (Addressing the candidates). “You will raise your right paw above your shoulder with your elbow bent, and repeat after me, the following Oath of Obligation as a PUP, using your name where I use mine.”

Dog Trainer: (Uncover) “Let us pray. Our Heavenly Father, we ask Thy divine blessing on these persons who as members of the Marine Corps League, are joining with us as members of the Military Order of the Devil Dogs. It is our prayer, O God, that each one of us shall increasing become aware of our duty to our Country, to our family, to our fellow man, and to our religious beliefs. Grant that, as time goes on, and as our daily life unfolds, we shall learn to love our neighbors as ourselves, and that we shall do unto others, as we would have them do unto us. Keep our Nation, O Lord, steadfast in its purposes, and may it ever be right in all things and ever guided in the precepts of Thy Holy Writ. Amen.”

Dog Trainer remains standing by the Bible, keeping the Bible open until the WPL declares the PUP’s vested.

{The Presiding Officer gives one rap of the bone to seat the Growl.}

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Presising Officer: “By the virtue of the authority vested in me, I declare each and every one of you fully admitted into the degree of PUP in the Military Order of the Devil Dogs. You are hereby vested with all the authority, privileges, rights and duties pertaining to that Degree. Over this Altar, upon which rests the Flag of our Country and the open Bible, I wish to congratulate each of you personally on your election, initiation, and obligation to the Degree of PUP in our Order and extend to you a heartly welcome to the Military Order of the Devil Dogs.”

Note: The following Mongrels were initiated into the Degree of PUP.

            Mongrel Brad Lokey Pound #210

            Mongrel Frank Shearin Pound #210

Advancement of PUPS to the Degree of Devil Dog WPL PDD Keith Shearin

“We will now acknowledge the PUP’s advancing to Devil Dogs here today! Worthy Mad Dog! Present the PUP’s, in front of the podium, facing the membership, for inspection and advancement preparation!”

MAD DOG: Presiding Officer, I have assembled the advancing PUP’s, for inspection and advancement preparation!

            [What can we do at this point to inspect the PUP’s, for advancement?]

                                                Have the Pack Vet look them over?

PRESIDING OFFICER: Dogs of the order, we are about to enter upon the obligation of candidates for the degree of Devil Dog in the Order. During the administration of the Oath of Obligation and the instruction of the candidates in the purpose of the Order, you will refrain from smoking, maintain a quiet and respectful decorum, and will do nothing which will detract the attention of the candidates from the serious and solemnity of the Oath of Obligation and the instructions, 

under penalty of a fine, or a sentence by the chair. I now declare this Pack ready for the initiation and Obligation of candidates for the Degree of Devil Dog in the order.

DOG ROBBER: “Presiding Officer, I find the candidate(s) awaiting obligation into the Military Order of the Devil Dogs.” [Dog Robber then salutes, and on his way to his post, hands a copy of his list to the Mad Dog.]

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PRESIDING OFFICER: Worthy Mad Dog, you will escort the candidate(s) to their position in front of the Altar.

MAD DOG: Presiding officer, I present to you, and the members of the North Carolina Pack, the following members who desire initiation and obligation into the Degree of Devil Dog in the order. [Mad Dog reads off the names, steps back of line of candidates.]

PRESIDING OFFICER: (Addressing the candidates) You will raise your right paw above your shoulder with your elbow bent, and repeat after me, the following oath of obligation as a Devil Dog, using your name where I use mine: 

DOG TRAINER: (Uncover) “Let us pray, Our Heavenly Father, we ask Thy divine blessing on these DEVIL DOGS who as PUPS have been faithful members of the Military Order of the Devil Dogs. It is our prayer, O GOD, that each one of us shall increasingly become aware of our duty to our Country, to our Family, to our fellow man, and to our religious beliefs. Grant that, as time goes on, and as our daily life unfolds, we learn to love our neighbors as ourselves, and that we shall do unto others, as we would have them do unto us. Keep our Nation, O Lord, steadfast in its purposes, and may it ever be right in all things, and ever guided in the precepts of Thy Holy Writ. Amen.”

Dog Trainer remains standing by the Bible, keeping the Bible open until the WPL declares the PUP’s vested.

[The Presiding Officer gives one rap of the bone to seat the growl.]

PRESIDING OFFICER: “By virtue of the authority vested in me, I now declare each and every one of you are fully admitted into the Degree of Devil Dog in the Military Order of the Devil Dogs. You are hereby vested with all the authority, 

privileges, rights, and duties pertaining to that degree.”

“Over this Altar, upon which rests the Flag of our Country and the open Bible, I wish to Congratulate each of you personally on your election, initiation, and obligation to the Degree of Devil Dog in our Order.”

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NOTE: The following PUPS was initiated into the degree of Devil Dog. 

            PUP Thomas Mattison Pound #143

            PUP Al Farrell Pound # 370

PRESIDING OFFICER: (Gives one rap of the bone to bring the growl to order.)

New Business:

  1. Dog Robbers, please check your rosters for the correct addresses. Make sure the Pack Dog Robber knows when there is a change.
  2. Reach out to the Dogs in your Pound to see if they are alright and still alive, and how they are doing.
  3. The following Officers were selected and sworn into office by HSVCDD Jeff Jones at this time. One anomalous vote was cast by the Dog Robber for the Elected Officers. New Officers are:
  4. Pack Leader                               PDD Keith Shearin
  5. Sr Vice Pack Leader                 PDD William Dunn
  6. Jr Vice Pack Leader                  PDD Robert Klenotiz
  7. Smart Dog                                  PDD Steve Tracy
  8. Dog Robber                                PDD Raymond Randall
  9. Dog Trainer                                PDD Lisa Ciesielski
  10. Mad Dog                                     PDD James Crandall
  11. Police Dog                                  PDD Laura Hamilton
  12. Watch Dog                                 PDD Denver Grant
  13. Barking Dog                               PDD Mike Maddox
  14. Pack Vet                                      PDD Marilyn Bower

Good of the Order: (WPL PDD Keith Shearin )

  1. Get Pound fines/stamps fee into Kennel via the Pack Dog Robber.
  2. Ron Ambrose family donated 2000 Big Bones to the Children Fund.
  3. HSVCDD Jeff Jones has the new Operation Chow Hound Patches for 6 Big Bones each.
  4. Pack Dog of the year. Need paperwork in by 1 June.
  5. Growls. Only Marines and FMF Navy personnel can attend Growls. No Associate Members are allowed.

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  • All fines collected today, voted to go to the Children Fund.
  • Worthy Jr Vice PDD Robert Klenotiz won the little bones in the jar contest. 34 Big Bones donated to the Children Fund.


  1. Postage stamps going up 5 small bones (5 cents), come 1 July 2024. Get your stamps now.

The Devil Dogs Greed will be recited by all. I am an American, I was born in France. I hold the title of United States Marine, and understand the commitment of holding the title, Devil Dog. It is a tradition born at Belleau Wood in the year 

1918 of a force in readiness and the “First to Fight.” As a Devil Dog, I ask no 

quarter. I will do everything in my power to uphold the objectives of the Military

Order of the Devil Dogs, and to carry out my duties to a swift and satisfactory completion.

1st verse of the Marine Hymn


PRESIDING OFFICER: Having passed through our regular order of business, I will proceed to close this Growl of the Order. Watch Dog, you will permit no one 

access to the growl until after the closing ceremony. Police Dog, you will retire the Colors.

(Gives two raps of the gavel to bring the membership to its feet. Those covered will salute, others stand at attention.)

PRESIDING OFFICER: The Dog Trainer will dismiss us with the closing prayer.

(NOTE: The Dog Trainer shall open the Holy Bible, commence the prayer, and close the Bible when the prayer is concluded.)

DOG TRAINER: (Advancing to front of Altar) Let us pray. Supreme Being, we pray that by Thy Blessing will rest upon the good we have accomplished in this growl, and we ask Thy forgiveness if any wrong has been done. We ask Thy loving care to accompany us as we go our several ways and remain with us until we meet again in growl assembled. Amen.

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PRESIDING OFFICER: I now declare this Growl of the Military Order of the Devil Dogs, North Carolina Pack, closed until 27 September, in Wilmington, NC, when it will be convened for the transaction of official business.

(Gives one rap of the gavel to formally close the growl.)

Raffle prizes and 50/50.

Respectfully Submitted.

PDD Raymond Randall

MODD NC Pack Dog Robber

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 Military Order of the Devil Dogs

 North Carolina Pack Growl

Hickory, NC  27 October 2023


PRESIDING OFFICER: (Gives one rap of gavel to bring growl to order) Police Dog, you will satisfy yourself that all dogs present, are qualified to remain for the deliberation of this body.

NOTE: At all levels of the Kennel, an official growl necessitates the presence of the American Flag and three other items; The Holy Bible, the Charter, and the Bone signifying the Presiding Officer’s authority. In accordance with Article XI, Section 1107, these articles are considered “sacred”, and, Article II, Section 216(C), Article III, Section 316(D) as well as Article IV, Section 407 (D) require the presence of these three “sacred” articles.

NOTE: In all references to “saluting”; this action is defined as the right arm raised parallel to the shoulder, with the forearm bent at the elbow, forming a 90-degree angle and with the paw clenched in a “human-like” fist, except that the right-hand salute shall be given during honors to the colors.

POLICE DOG: (Saluting) I have inspected the qualifications of the members assembled and find that all are qualified to remain. (Exceptions must be reported).

PRESIDING OFFICER: Watch Dog, I now declare this Growl secure, and you will permit no one access to the Growl until after the completion of the opening ceremony. Police Dog, you will now advance the colors and lead the body in the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. (The Presiding Officer gives two raps of the gavel to bring the growl to its feet, and the Dogs present that are covered, salute, others stand at attention).

PRESIDING OFFICER: The Dog Trainer will lead us in prayer.

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Military Order of the Devil Dogs

North Carolina Pack Fall Growl

Hickory, NC  27 October 2023

NOTE: Before leading the assemblage in prayer, the Dog Trainer will open the Holy Bible to a scripture selected by that Officer. At the conclusion of the prayer, the Dog Trainer will close the Holy Bible, which will remain closed until the Dog Trainer is called upon for ceremonies (Rite of Obligation, Rite of Installation, Memorial Service, Closing Ceremony, etc.) in which he/she takes the leading role. It is inappropriate to collect fines over an open Bible; and none may be collected or assessed while the Holy Bible is open.

Dog Trainer advances and takes post in front of Altar and gives opening prayer:

DOG TRAINER: “Let us pray. Almighty God, Supreme Being over us all, we ask Thy Blessing upon this Growl. We ask Thy divine guidance during our deliberations and keep us ever steadfast in the purposes and principles upon which the Marine Corps League and the Military Order of the Devil Dogs are founded. We ask Thy Blessings upon those Marines who have died in the service of our Country, and are now recorded on that Heavenly Roster, upon which all of us will in time be enrolled. Grant, Heavenly Father, that the League and Order may grow and prosper in the purposes and principles upon which they are founded. Amen.”

PRESIDING OFFICER: I now declare this Growl of Military Order of the Devil Dogs, open for the Transaction of all business which may properly come before it. Watch Dog, you are now free to admit latecomers to this Growl (gives one rap of gavel to seat members).

(Note – Dog Trainer – Charter shall be draped for all of our fallen Dogs since our last Grand Growl)

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This Pack Growl is dedicated to all of our Pack Dogs that have gone to be with our Supreme Commandant since our last Pack Growl”

1900 – Opening ceremony

  • Welcome barking’s by Worthy Pack Leader Keith Shearin.

o Greetings/Remarks

Role call of Officers by the Dog Robber PDD Ray Randall

(All Officers will stand & bark their name, degree and other Dog info)

  • Worthy Pack Leader, PDD Keith Shearin
  • Sr. Vice Pack Leader, PDD William Dunn
  • Jr. Vice Pack Leader, PDD Robert Klenotiz Jr.
  • Smart Dog, PDD Stephen Tracy 
  • Dog Trainer, PDD Lisa Ciesielski
  • Mad Dog, PDD James Crandall
  • Police Dog, PDD Laura Hamilton
  • Watch Dog, PDD Denver Grant 
  • Barking Dog, PDD Mike Maddox
  • Dog Robber, PDD Ray Randall
  • Deputy Dog Robber, PDD Denver Grant 
  • Archive Dog, PDD Greg Ciesielski
  • Worthy Past Jr. Pack Leader, PDD Greg Ciesielski
  • Pack Vet PDD Marilyn Bower (excused)

Recognition of Dignitaries and important Dogs (By PDD Keith Shearin)

  • Honorable 60th Chief Devil Dog, PDD Alan Sanning (if present)
  • Honorable 59th Chief Devil Dog, PDD Tom Hazlett (if present)
  • Honorable 56th Chief Devil Dog, PDD Leanna Dietrich (if present)
  • Honorable Senior Vice Chief Devil Dog and Chairman of the Kennel Finance Committee, PDD Jeffrey Jones 
  • Honorable Mad Dog / Kennel Auction Dog, PDD Charles Minton 
  • Honorable Dog Trainer, PDD Lisa Ciesielski
  • Deputy Kennel Police Dog, PDD Rick Thomason 
  • Deputy Kennel Barking Dog/Facebook Dog, PDD Tom Bates (excused)

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  • Deputy Kennel Mad Dog, PDD Keith Shearin
  • Honorable Kennel Lucky Dog, PDD Reggie Sawyer
  • Past NC Pack Leader, PDD Greg Ciesielski
  • Are there any other Kennel Officers present that have not been recognized?
  • Ask all the other Past Pack Leaders to stand and be recognized at this time.
  • 2018 Kennel Dog of the Year, PDD Rick Thomason.
  • Ask other prior Kennel DOY recipients to stand and be recognized at this time.
  • 2022 North Carolina Pack Dog of the Year, PDD Lisa Ciesielski
  • 2020 North Carolina Pack Dog of the Year, PDD Jeremy Barton (excused)
  • Ask any other prior Pack DOY recipients to stand and be recognized at this time.
  • Any others that we need to recognize at this time?
  • DoNC Commandant, PDD Ric Ledford
  • Jr Vice MedEast, PDD Ric Ledford
  • Hon Kennel Vet, 
  • Ask the Dignitaries if they would like to address the Pack.

Roll Call of the Pounds (PDD Ray Randall)

(“When your pound is called, the highest-ranking Officer will stand up, report and sound with the number of Dogs present with you”)

  1. Robert V. Flowers Pound #143                               6 Dogs
  • Jessie O. Price Pound #210                                       22 Dogs
  • Sandhills Area Pound #306                                       1 Dog
  • Blue Ridge Detachment Pound #319                     6 Dogs
  • North Central NC Pound #327                                  3 Dogs

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  • CWO-3 Edward J. Albus Pound #370                      4 Dogs

Total:                                                                               42 Dogs

Reading of the Scratchings from the last Pack Growl

(By Worthy Pack Dog Robber PDD Ray Randall)

            WPL Keith Shearin asked for a motion from the floor to accept the scratching as presented, as the scratching was sent out to all the Pounds and Officers and published on NCPack.org.  Seconded. All in favor of accepting the scratching as written, say “Woof Woof!”, all opposed, say “Grrr!”. [Bang the bone]. “The scratching has been accepted as presented!”

Dog Robbers Financial Report (PDD Ray Randall)

  • Financial Report was given by the Dog Robber, PDD Ray Randall and passed pending audit.

Dog Trainer PDD Lisa Ciesielski to discuss sick or in distress.

  • Any Dogs currently sick or in distress at this time we should know about? None at this time.
  • Any [other] Dogs that we should keep in our thoughts and prayers at this time? None at this time.
  • Abbreviated memorial service. PUP Robert Shannon, Pound 370 ,

 22 September 2023.

Report of the NC Pack Officers

Pack Leader –  PDD Keith Shearin

  • DD Steve Ryan was medically advanced to PDD by the SVCDD Jeff Jones.
  • Visiting different Pounds

Sr. Vice Pack Leader –  PDD William Dunn

  • Getting ready for Pack Growls
  • Visited Pound 319 Growl
  • Operation Chow Hound – can donate own chow to local animal shelter. Report number of pounds to your Pound for their records.

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Jr. Vice Pack Leader –  PDD Robert Klenotiz

  • No report at this time.

Smart Dog –  PDD Stephen Tracy

  • Reviewing By-laws to kept up to date.

Dog Robber – PDD Ray Randall

  •  Send your ROI’s in after your installation. I will forward a copy to Kennel.
  • 990N’s. Please send me a copy, that you filed for Pack records. Again, I will send Kennel a copy, so they won’t bother you. 
  • We now have a Compliance Officer. Everything he needs I’ll be sending to him (990’s), when I get them from the Pounds. This is to keep Kennel up to date
  • I’m processing Transmittals every week when I get them.
  • Honorable Deputy Dog Robber had computer problems. Soon to be fixed. Should be receiving membership cards soon. I will make sure the Pounds get the cards just as soon as I get them.
  • Life Membership. The person applying needs his/her actual birthdate (when born), not initiation date.

Archive Dog – PDD Greg Ciesielski

  • No Report at this time.

Any other Officers have a report to give at, this time?

Old Business

  • None.

Advancement of PUPS to the Degree of Devil Dog WPL Jeremy Barton

“We will now acknowledge the PUP’s advancing to Devil Dogs here today! Worthy Mad Dog! Present the PUP’s, in front of the podium, facing the membership, for inspection and advancement preparation!”

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MAD DOG: Presiding Officer, I have assembled the advancing PUP’s, for inspection and advancement preparation!

            [What can we do at this point to inspect the PUP’s, for advancement?]

                                                Have the Pack Vet look them over?

PRESIDING OFFICER: Dogs of the order, we are about to enter upon the obligation of candidates for the degree of Devil Dog in the Order. During the administration of the Oath of Obligation and the instruction of the candidates in the purpose of the Order, you will refrain from smoking, maintain a quiet and respectful decorum, and will do nothing which will detract the attention of the candidates from the serious and solemnity of the Oath of Obligation and the instructions, 

under penalty of a fine, or a sentence by the chair. I now declare this Pack ready for the initiation and Obligation of candidates for the Degree of Devil Dog in the order.

DOG ROBBER: “Presiding Officer, I find the candidate(s) awaiting obligation into the Military Order of the Devil Dogs.” [Dog Robber then salutes, and on his way to his post, hands a copy of his list to the Mad Dog.]

PRESIDING OFFICER: Worthy Mad Dog, you will escort the candidate(s) to their position in front of the Altar.

MAD DOG: Presiding officer, I present to you, and the members of the North Carolina Pack, the following members who desire initiation and obligation into the Degree of Devil Dog in the order. [Mad Dog reads off the names, steps back of line of candidates.]

PRESIDING OFFICER: (Addressing the candidates) You will raise your right paw above your shoulder with your elbow bent, and repeat after me, the following oath of obligation as a Devil Dog, using your name where I use mine: 

DOG TRAINER: (Uncover) “Let us pray, Our Heavenly Father, we ask Thy divine blessing on these DEVIL DOGS who as PUPS have been faithful members of the Military Order of the Devil Dogs. It is our prayer, O GOD, that each one of us shall 

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increasingly become aware of our duty to our Country, to our Family, to our fellow man, and to our religious beliefs. Grant that, as time goes on, and as our daily life unfolds, we learn to love our neighbors as ourselves, and that we shall do unto others, as we would have them do unto us. Keep our Nation, O Lord, steadfast in its purposes, and may it ever be right in all things, and ever guided in the precepts of Thy Holy Writ. Amen.”

Dog Trainer remains standing by the Bible, keeping the Bible open until the WPL declares the PUP’s vested.

[The Presiding Officer gives one rap of the bone to seat the growl.]

PRESIDING OFFICER: “By virtue of the authority vested in me, I now declare each and every one of you are fully admitted into the Degree of Devil Dog in the Military Order of the Devil Dogs. You are hereby vested with all the authority, 

privileges, rights, and duties pertaining to that degree.”

“Over this Altar, upon which rests the Flag of our Country and the open Bible, I wish to Congratulate each of you personally on your election, initiation, and obligation to the Degree of Devil Dog in our Order.”

NOTE: The following PUPS was initiated into the degree of Devil Dog. 

            PUP Robert Hare, Pound #210

            PUP Carl Norris, Pound #319

PRESIDING OFFICER: (Gives one rap of the bone to bring the growl to order.)

New Business: None.

Growl was turned over for the following  games.

  • Puzzle card
  • Ladder golf
  • Connect four
  • Joisting completion

Good of the Order: (WPL Keith Shearin)

  1. PDD Rick Thomason, talked about Semper K-9 Project for Veterans. They

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take rescue dogs and train them to assist Veterans. Motion made by PDD John Dilday to give 1000 Big Bones for this project. Seconded by PDD Jesus Vega. Motion carried.

  • PDD Charles Milton made motion to split fines collected today for Children Hospital Fund, and Operation Chow Hound. Seconded by PDD Lisa Ciesielski and motion carried.
  • PDD Ric Ledford made motion that all Kibbles collected tonight go to the Catawba County Animal Shelter.
  • PDD Keith Shearin stated the following. Kennel Supreme Growl to be held in Palm Springs, California August 2024. ALL Devil Dog paperwork must be submitted to the Pack Dog Robber by the NC Pack Grand Growl in June. No exceptions. 
  • Make sure all medical problems are listed (allergies, pacemakers, stints, medicines, diabetics, etc.). Also bring along at least a 10 day supply of your meds to be safe.

The Devil Dogs Greed will be recited by all. I am an American, I was born in France. I hold the title of United States Marine, and understand the commitment of holding the title, Devil Dog. It is a tradition born at Belleau Wood in the year 

1918 of a force in readiness and the “First to Fight.” As a Devil Dog, I ask no 

quarter. I will do everything in my power to uphold the objectives of the Military

Order of the Devil Dogs, and to carry out my duties to a swift and satisfactory completion.

1st verse of the Marine Hymn


PRESIDING OFFICER: Having passed through our regular order of business, I will proceed to close this Growl of the Order. Watch Dog, you will permit no one 

access to the growl until after the closing ceremony. Police Dog, you will retire the Colors.

(Gives two raps of the gavel to bring the membership to its feet. Those covered will salute, others stand at attention.)

PRESIDING OFFICER: The Dog Trainer will dismiss us with the closing prayer.

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(NOTE: The Dog Trainer shall open the Holy Bible, commence the prayer, and close the Bible when the prayer is concluded.)

DOG TRAINER: (Advancing to front of Altar) Let us pray. Supreme Being, we pray that by Thy Blessing will rest upon the good we have accomplished in this growl, and we ask Thy forgiveness if any wrong has been done. We ask Thy loving care to accompany us as we go our several ways and remain with us until we meet again in growl assembled. Amen.

PRESIDING OFFICER: I now declare this Growl of the Military Order of the Devil Dogs, North Carolina Pack, closed until (Date) when it will be convened for the

transaction of official business.

Next Growl will be in Burlington, NC on the 15th of March 2024.

(Gives one rap of the gavel to formally close the growl.)

Raffle prizes and 50/50.

Respectfully Submitted.

PDD Raymond Randall

MODD NC Pack Dog Robber

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Military Order of the Devil Dogs

 North Carolina Pack Grand Growl

Jacksonville, NC, 9 June 2023


PRESIDING OFFICER: Worthy Senior Vice Pack Leader PDD Keith Shearin gives one rap of bone to bring the Growl to order.  Police Dog, you will satisfy yourself that all dogs present are qualified to remain for the deliberation of this body. Present: American Flag, Holy Bible, Charter, Bone.

POLICE DOG: (Saluting) I have inspected the qualifications of the members assembled and find that all are qualified to remain.

PRESIDING OFFICER: Watch Dog, I now declare this Growl secure, and you will permit no one access to the Growl until after the completion of the opening ceremony. Police Dog, you will now advance the colors and lead the body in the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. (The Presiding Officer gave two raps of the gavel to bring the Growl to its feet, and the Dogs present that are covered, saluted, others stood at attention).

PRESIDING OFFICER: The Dog Trainer will lead us in prayer.

Dog Trainer advances and takes post in front of Altar and gives opening prayer:

DOG TRAINER: “Let us pray. Almighty God, Supreme Being over us all, we ask Thy Blessing upon this Growl. We ask Thy divine guidance during our deliberations and keep us ever steadfast in the purposes and principles upon which the Marine Corps League and the Military Order of the Devil Dogs are founded. We ask Thy Blessings upon those Marines who have died in the service of our Country, and are now recorded on that Heavenly Roster, upon which all of us will in time be enrolled. Grant, Heavenly Father, that the League and Order may grow and prosper in the purposes and principles upon which they are founded. Amen.”

PRESIDING OFFICER: I now declare this Growl of Military Order of the Devil Dogs, open for the Transaction of all business which may properly come before it. Watch Dog, you are now free to admit latecomers to this Growl (gives one rap of gavel to seat members).

(Note – Dog Trainer – Charter draped for all of our fallen Dogs since our last Grand Growl)

This Pack Growl is dedicated to all of our Pack Dogs that have gone to be with our Supreme Commandant since our last Pack Growl”

1900 – Opening ceremony

  • Welcome barkings by Worthy Senior Vice Pack Leader Keith Shearin.

o Greetings/Remarks

Role call of Officers by the Dog Robber PDD Ray Randall

  • Worthy Pack Leader, PDD Jeremy Barton (excused)
  • Sr. Vice Pack Leader, PDD Keith Shearin
  • Jr. Vice Pack Leader, PDD Reggie Sawyer
  • Smart Dog, PDD Jeffrey Jones 
  • Dog Trainer, PDD Lisa Ciesielski
  • Mad Dog, PDD Mark Lunger (excused)
  • Police Dog, PDD Marilyn Bower
  • Watch Dog, PDD Denver Grant 
  • Barking Dog, vacant
  • Dog Robber, PDD Ray Randall
  • Deputy Dog Robber, PDD Denver Grant 
  • Archive Dog, PDD Greg Ciesielski
  • Worthy Past Jr. Pack Leader, PDD Greg Ciesielski

Recognition of Dignitaries and important Dogs (By PDD Keith Shearin)

  • Honorable Senior Vice Chief Devil Dog and Chairman of the Kennel Finance Committee, PDD Jeffrey Jones 
  • Honorable Mad Dog / Kennel Auction Dog, PDD Charles Minton (excused)
  • Honorable Dog Trainer, PDD Lisa Ciesielski
  • Deputy Kennel Police Dog, PDD Rick Thomason (excused)
  • Deputy Kennel Barking Dog/Facebook Dog, PDD Tom Bates
  • Deputy Kennel Mad Dog, PDD Keith Shearin
  • Honorable Kennel Lucky Dog, PDD Reggie Sawyer
  • Ask all the other Past Pack Leaders to stand and be recognized.
  • 2018 Kennel Dog of the Year, PDD Rick Thomason.
  • Ask other prior Kennel DOY recipients to stand and be recognized.
  • 2022 North Carolina Pack Dog of the Year, PDD Lisa Ciesielski
  • 2020 North Carolina Pack Dog of the Year, PDD Jeremy Barton (excused)
  • Ask any other prior Pack DOY recipients to stand and be recognized.
  • DoNC Commandant, Ric Ledford
  • DoSC Commandant, Helen Breen

Roll Call of the Pounds (PDD Ray Randall)

(“When your pound is called, the highest-ranking Officer will stand up, report and sound with the number of Dogs present with you”)

  1. Robert V. Flowers Pound #143                               17 Dogs
  2. Jessie O. Price Pound #210                                    20 Dogs
  3. Sandhills Area Pound #306                                      1 Dog
  4. Blue Ridge Detachment Pound #319                     8 Dogs
  5. North Central NC Pound #327                                 6 Dogs
  6. CWO-3 Edward J. Albus Pound #370                    9 Dogs

Total:                                                                                61 Dogs

Reading of the Scratchings from the last Pack Growl

(By Worthy Pack Dog Robber PDD Ray Randall)

PDD Keith Shearin asked for a motion from the floor to accept the scratchings as presented, as the scratching was sent out to all the Pounds and Officers,  seconded by PDD Reggie Sawyer. All in favor of accepting the scratching as written, say “Woof Woof!”, all opposed, say “Grrr!”. [Bang the bone]. “The scratching has been accepted as presented!”

Dog Robbers Financial Report (PDD Ray Randall)

  • Financial Report was given by the Dog Robber, PDD Ray Randall and passed pending audit.

Dog Trainer PDD Lisa Ciesielski to discuss sick or in distress.

  • Any Dogs currently sick or in distress at this time we should know about? None at this time.
  • Any [other] Dogs that we should keep in our thoughts and prayers at this time? None at this time.
  • Abbreviated memorial service.

 PDD Keith Shearin: “We will now acknowledge the Mongrels here with us today! Worthy Mad Dog! Present the Mongrels in front of the podium facing me!”

When candidates for initiation are assembled, the Presiding Officer shall say:

PRESIDING OFFICER: “Fellow Marines, you have been honored by the DEVIL DOGS of this order (and by your own Detachment), in having your name placed in nomination for the degree of PUP, in the Military Order of the Devil Dogs. This means you have been performing some outstanding service of merit in your Detachment, you have been active in obtaining new members for your Detachment, and you have been successful in having delinquent members reinstate themselves in your Detachment. In a short while, you will be given your Oath of Obligation in the order. I assure you there is nothing that will in any manner interfere with your religious or political beliefs. Are you willing to take and assume such an Oath of Obligation,

If so, state “I am.” 

“You will also be called upon to pass through a ceremony of initiation. In this ceremony, I assure you there is nothing you will be asked to do, that should under any consideration whatsoever, be assumed by you to be of a personal, spiteful, or vengeful nature. Are you willing to participate in such an initiation? If so, state “I am.” 

“Mad Dog, you will retire with the candidates and prepare them further for initiation!”

Report of the NC Pack Officers:

Pack Leader –  PDD Jeremy Barton (excused)

Sr. Vice Pack Leader –  PDD Keith Shearin

  • Announced that HSVCDD Jeff Jones will become the Honorable Chief Devil Dog next year.
  • Wants to purchase 500 decals for 460 Big Bones. Decals to sell for 5 Big Bones each. This is to help raise funds for the Childrens Fund from the Pack. Motion made by PDD Jeff Jones to do, and seconded by DD Betty Kramer. Motion passed. 
  • This year the NC Pack helped raised the Childrens fund and Operation Dog Chow a great success.
  • Attended several Growls this quarter.

Jr. Vice Pack Leader –  PDD Reggie Sawyer

  • Attended several Growls, and the Pounds were doing fine.

Smart Dog –  PDD Jeffrey Jones

  • 1 Bylaw proposed, NC Pact Bylaw Article VIII, Section 801, Article III, Section 303 passed.

Dog Robber – PDD Ray Randall

  •  Send your ROI’s in after your installation. I will forward a copy to Kennel.
  • 990N’s. Please send me a copy, that you filed for Pack records. Again, I will send Kennel a copy, so they won’t bother you.
  • I’m processing Transmittals every week when I get them. Kennel is sending me the cards and I’m mailing them out to the Pound’s Dog Robber. I still haven’t received anything from a couple of Pounds.

Archive Dog – PDD Greg Ciesielski

  • No Report at this time.

Old Business: None

Advancement of PUPS to the Degree of Devil Dog Presiding Officer

“We will now acknowledge the PUP’s advancing to Devil Dogs here today! Worthy Mad Dog! Present the PUP’s, in front of the podium, facing the membership, for inspection and advancement preparation!”

MAD DOG: Presiding Officer, I have assembled the advancing PUP’s, for inspection and advancement preparation!

PRESIDING OFFICER: Dogs of the order, we are about to enter upon the obligation of candidates for the degree of Devil Dog in the Order. During the administration of the Oath of Obligation and the instruction of the candidates in the purpose of the Order, you will refrain from smoking, maintain a quiet and respectful decorum, and will do nothing which will detract the attention of the candidates from the serious and solemnity of the Oath of Obligation and the instructions, 

Under penalty of a fine, or a sentence by the chair. I now declare this Pack ready for the initiation and Obligation of candidates for the Degree of Devil Dog in the order.

DOG ROBBER: “Presiding Officer, I find the candidates awaiting obligation into the Military Order of the Devil Dogs.” [Dog Robber then salutes, and on his way to his post, hands a copy of his list to the Mad Dog.]

PRESIDING OFFICER: Worthy Mad Dog, you will escort the candidate(s) to their position in front of the Altar.

MAD DOG: Presiding officer, I present to you, and the members of the North Carolina Pack, the following members who desire initiation and obligation into the Degree of Devil Dog in the order. [Mad Dog reads off the names, steps back of line of candidates.]

PRESIDING OFFICER: (Addressing the candidates) You will raise your right paw above your shoulder with your elbow bent, and repeat after me, the following oath of obligation as a Devil Dog, using your name where I use mine: 

DOG TRAINER: (Uncover) “Let us pray, Our Heavenly Father, we ask Thy divine blessing on these DEVIL DOGS who as PUPS have been faithful members of the Military Order of the Devil Dogs. It is our prayer, O GOD, that each one of us shall increasingly become aware of our duty to our Country, to our Family, to our fellow man, and to our religious beliefs. Grant that, as time goes on, and as our daily life unfolds, we learn to love our neighbors as ourselves, and that we shall do unto others, as we would have them do unto us. Keep our Nation, O Lord, steadfast in its purposes, and may it ever be right in all things, and ever guided in the precepts of Thy Holy Writ. Amen.”

Dog Trainer remains standing by the Bible, keeping the Bible open until the WPL declares the PUP’s vested.

[The Presiding Officer gives one rap of the bone to seat the growl.]

PRESIDING OFFICER: “By virtue of the authority vested in me, I now declare each and every one of you are fully admitted into the Degree of Devil Dog in the Military Order of the Devil Dogs. You are hereby vested with all the authority, 

privileges, rights, and duties pertaining to that degree.”

“Over this Altar, upon which rests the Flag of our Country and the open Bible, I wish to Congratulate each of you personally on your election, initiation, and obligation to the Degree of Devil Dog in our Order.”

NOTE: The following PUPS was initiated into the degree of Devil Dog. 

            PUP Mary Anderson, Pound #143

            PUP Ritchie Holbrook, Pound #210

            PUP Kevin Rumsey, Pound #210

            PUP George Bendzen, Pound #319

            PUP Bradley Parker, Pound #319


  • Mongrels:   Have the Mad Dog escort the Mongrels in.

PRESIDING OFFICER: “Dogs of the Order, we are about to enter upon the obligation of candidates for the Degree of PUP, in the Order. During the administration of the Oath of Obligation and the instruction of the candidates in the purposes of the Order, you will refrain from smoking, maintain a quiet and 

respectful decorum and do nothing which will detract the attention of candidates from the seriousness and solemnity of the Oath of Obligation and the instructions, under penalty of a fine, or a sentence by the Chair. I now declare this Pack, ready for the obligation of candidates for the Degree of PUP in the order.”

DOG ROBBER: “Presiding Officer, I find the following named candidates awaiting obligation into the Military Order of the Devil Dogs. (Dog Robber reads the names of candidates and their Detachment affiliations. Dog Robber then salutes, and on his way to his post, hands a copy of his list to the Mad Dog.)

PRESIDING OFFICER: Sir/Worthy Mad Dog, you will escort the candidates to a position in front of the Altar.

MAD DOG: “Presiding Officer, I present to you, and the members of the North Carolina Pack, the following Marine Corps Leaguers who desire obligation into the Degree of PUP, in the Order.” (Mad Dog reads off the names, steps back of line of candidates).

PRESIDING OFFICER: (Addressing the candidates). “You will raise your right paw above your shoulder with your elbow bent, and repeat after me, the following Oath of Obligation as a PUP, using your name where I use mine:”

 DOG TRAINER: (Uncover) “Let us pray. Our Heavenly Father, we ask Thy divine blessing on these persons who as members of the Marine Corps League, are joining with us as members of the Military Order of the Devil Dogs. It is our prayer, O God, that each one of us shall increasing become aware of our duty to our Country, to our family, to our fellow man, and to our religious beliefs. Grant that, as time goes on, and as our daily life unfolds, we shall learn to love our neighbors as ourselves, and that we shall do unto others, as we would have them do unto us. Keep our Nation, O Lord, steadfast in its purposes, and may it ever be right in all things and ever guided in the precepts of Thy Holy Writ. Amen.

Dog Trainer remains standing by the Bible, keeping the Bible open until the WPL declares the PUP’s vested.

[The Presiding Officer gives one rap of the bone to seat the growl.]

PRESIDING OFFICER: “By the virtue of the authority vested in me, I declare each and every one of you fully admitted into the degree of PUP in the Military Order of the Devil Dogs. You are hereby vested with all the authority, privileges, rights. and duties pertaining to that Degree. Over this Altar, upon which rests the Flag of our Country and the open Bible, I wish to congratulate each of you personally on your election, initiation, and obligation to the Degree of PUP in our Order and extend to you a heartly welcome to the Military Order of the Devil Dogs.”                 

PRESIDING OFFICER: “I now grant a five (5) minute recess for the membership to welcome the new Devil Dogs and PUPS to our Pack.”


The following Mongrels were initiated into the degree of PUP.

            Mongrel Don LaVelle, Pound #143

            Mongrel Michael Zalenski, Pound #143

            Mongrel Michael Brady, Pound #210

            Mongrel Marshall Roberts, Pound #210

            Mongrel Al Farrell, Pound #370

PRESIDING OFFICER: (Gives one rap of the bone to bring the growl to order.)

New Business:

  1. The following Officers were selected and sworn into their office by the HSVCDD Jeff Jones.

Pack Leader                   PDD Keith Shearin

Sr Vice                             DD William Dunn (note: PDD at Supreme Growl)

Jr Vice                             DD Robert Klenotiz Jr. (note: PDD at Supreme Growl)

Smart Dog                      PDD Stephen Tracy

Dog Robber                    PDD Raymond Randall

Dog Trainer                    PDD Lisa Ciesielski

Mad Dog                         PDD James Crandall

Police Dog                      PDD Laura Hamilton

Watch Dog                     PDD Denver Grant

Barking Dog                   PDD Mike Maddox

Good of the Order: (WSVPL Keith Shearin )

  1. The Dog Trainer sends out cards for the sick Dogs, and cards to family for Dogs who have went to their Heavenly home. PLEASE inform the Dog Trainer when this happens.

Notice of Death form MUST BE FILLED OUT and sent to the Dog Trainer.

  • Next Pack Growl will be in Hickory, NC the 27th of October.
  • Operation Chow Hound Patches are 5 Big Bones each.
  • For Operation Chow Hound, there was 1681 pounds of food, along with other goodies, given to the local animal shelter from the Grand Growl.

The Devil Dogs Greed will be recited by all. I am an American, I was born in France. I hold the title of United States Marine, and understand the commitment of holding the title, Devil Dog. It is a tradition born at Belleau Wood in the year 

1918 of a force in readiness and the “First to Fight.” As a Devil Dog, I ask no 

quarter. I will do everything in my power to uphold the objectives of the Military

Order of the Devil Dogs, and to carry out my duties to a swift and satisfactory completion.

1st verse of the Marine Hymn


PRESIDING OFFICER: Having passed through our regular order of business, I will proceed to close this Growl of the Order. Watch Dog, you will permit no one access to the growl until after the closing ceremony. Police Dog, you will retire the Colors.

(Gives two raps of the gavel to bring the membership to its feet. Those covered will salute, others stand at attention.)

PRESIDING OFFICER: The Dog Trainer will dismiss us with the closing prayer.

(NOTE: The Dog Trainer shall open the Holy Bible, commence the prayer, and close the Bible when the prayer is concluded.)

DOG TRAINER: (Advancing to front of Altar) Let us pray. Supreme Being, we pray that by Thy Blessing will rest upon the good we have accomplished in this growl, and we ask Thy forgiveness if any wrong has been done. We ask Thy loving care to accompany us as we go our several ways and remain with us until we meet again in growl assembled. Amen.           

PRESIDING OFFICER:  I now declare this Growl of the Military Order of the Devil Dogs, North Carolina Pack, closed until (Date) when it will be convened for the transaction of official business.

(Gives one rap of the gavel to formally close the growl.)

Raffle prizes and 50/50.

Respectfully Submitted,

PDD Raymond Randall

MODD NC Pack Dog Robber